November 2, 2009

What's Your Email Address?

Setting up a new internet account, creating a user name or picking out your new email address can be a lot of fun. We debate on silly names like sunflower10, baseballboy or maybe even adhesivemonkies. We like to pick out something that says something about ourselves. It's a nice idea but when it comes to important letters even resumes it can be a big NO NO!

Your resume reflects everything about you. The recruiter sees you have a good job history and education. You are everything the recruiter has been looking for. They look at your contact information and there's your email or user name purplehaze93 or partygirl2000. They are turned off within seconds. These names can give recruiters the wrong impression or the right one. "Is this person a drug user?" or maybe "Does this person have a drinking problem or problems showing up late for work?"

Here are a few ways to avoid this situation.

1. If you already have an email with an unacceptable name, create a new one with a free email service like Googlemail or Hotmail. This is also a good way to keep track of all your outgoing and incoming emails just for job searching.

2. When you create the email or user name use your name like

3. If you don't want to use your full name you can use your first or last initial. or

4. If you don't want to use your name at all try to use something relating to your job search like

The point is using these types of user names or email addresses is the safer way to go. You don't want them to question if you are a vampire or if you dance with wild animals with names like truebloodlover or reggaemountaingoat.